Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid

This elderly woman noticed loss of her left lower eyelid eyelashes and the formation of undulating skin lesion. She consulted a private eye surgeon who performed a tissue biopsy which showed it to be an aggressive form of squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid. Without treatment, this tumour could spread rapidly and involve the eye and the orbit. If this were to occur, the entire eye and the orbital content would have to be removed in order to save the patient's life.

As the tumour was extensive and the private surgeon was not confident to reconstruct the eyelid, she was referred to our oculoplastic clinic. The tumour was excised with a 5mm clear margin and closed by using tissue from the lateral part of the eyelid using a technique called the Tenzel's flap.

At completion of the procedure.

10 days post-operative and the sutures removed.

At 10 days post-operative.

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