Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 Must Known Steps before Eyelid Surgery - Introduction

I gave this presentation last Sunday in Jalan Yap Kuan Seng, Kuala Lumpur. For the benefit of those who could not attend the lecture, I have chosen the main points of the presentation for this and the next 3 blogs. This is the introduction bit to the presentation.

 The above are some of the patients I had operated on. As can be seen, 
not all eyelid operations are cosmetic surgery, some conditions can 
interferes with the vision and some may be life-threatening.

 If you show these photos to the public and ask them to rate
the persons according to intelligence, friendliness, health, 
trustworthiness,  attractiveness and whom you would are 
more llikely to employ.

The majority of the public, based on the appearance alone, 
will give positive attributes to the above photos as 
shown (tips) and more likely to employ these people.

However, what the public was unaware of were that some 
of the pictures belong to the same persons before and
post eyelid surgery. Although we want to believe that look 
or beauty is only skin deep, but most people based
their perceptions based solely on the person's appearance. 
Those who have ageing changes or abnormal eyelid
shapes are being disadvantaged in their social life.

The lecture will continue tomorrow.


  1. I don't know why there are people who really wanted to change the way how their eyelid looks like but when it comes to the process, we should always remember that good surgeon really matters. I mean, we are dealing with our safety here as well as the success of the surgery so we must do some trough-out research first before jumping into conclusion. We need to get a quality plastic surgeon with a good reputation to accomplish the job says Plastic surgeon Los Angeles.

  2. These days computer imaging allows a person to try out a new look before going under the knife. The surgeon will photograph and measure the patient's face and then make recommendations taking into consideration what the individual hopes the outcome will be.

    cosmetic surgery advice

  3. your right jeny cruz.. it is important to make us save just like the Eyelid Plastic Surgery Los Angeles
    who makes my sister beautiful and fabulous right now..
